
Synchronization is an important and vital concept in communication. It is a powerful way to connect either in person or virtually. It's a simple concept and goes by many names, like mirroring or matching. From wireless communication to business development and team dynamics, synchronization is crucial to communication.

We have all had the experience of synchronicity - saying something at the same time as a colleague or friend. Landing on the same idea. Reaching for an object at the same time. It makes us feel connected to the other around us and connection is an important need in human behavior and psychology.

We take enjoyment with we are 'in synch' with loved ones and the world around us. When things feel out of synch or disjointed, we feel uncomfortable. It draws our attention. Such as when a dancer misses a step or a musician misses a note or beat in an otherwise synched up performance. It's discordant.

Perhaps one of the reasons why virtual work feels so disconnected is because we can't feel the synchronization of the group. It is something we feel. It is a sense that we are in-step with other around us. When we are in person it is easier to pick up on the non-verbal cues that indicate whether we are in-synch with someone. The pace of breathing, the timing of their movements. The way a conversation can easily bounce around.

We can use the concepts of synchronization to calm ourselves, create positive energy and build relationship in both personal and professional settings.

Here are some ways to practice Synchronization

1. Synchronized walk : Take a walk with a friend. Make an effort to match their stride or pace. Do this with as little effort as you can. Maybe you don't even need to mention it. Note/Observe the conversation. Most likely it will flow more easily.

2. In virtual meetings watch the faces of your colleagues carefully. Match their facial expressions. Look for the micro-movements. Mirror them with the intention of finding common ground and consensus.

3. If you are feeling disconnected look for someone to synchronize with. It might even be a stranger. Match their stride. The way they hold their shoulders or the way their head is placed on top of their neck. This brings you out of your own experience into the experience of someone else. It can create an internal experience of empathy and compassion. NOTE: Don't synchronize with someone who is clearly upset or emotional. If you are feeling disregulated or anxious this will only increase that experience - seek someone who seems to be grounded and in flow.


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