Can You Breathe Your Way to Success?
3 Breathing Techniques to clear your mind, increase your energy and find your power.
Read almost any book on self mastery and you’re going to read a passage on Breathing.
Our Breath is vital. It is our life force. It is the first thing we do we when are brought into this world and the last thing we do when we leave it. We breathe.
Laughter, crying, screaming, panicking - all are different types of breath. With breath we express emotion, we speak, we calm ourselves or create chaos. And then there’s the life giving essence of oxygen. To clear toxins from the blood stream, to clear the mind, to bring fresh ideas to the forefront. If you are feeling low, anxious, uninspired, look to your breath.
Through my years of public speaking and presence coaching - and more recently, helping clients manage anxiety in the ever increasing pressure that is our world, Breath has always been a primary tool. I want to share 3 techniques that I have found to be the very effective - for myself and those I work with.
For Calm - Box Breathing - Breathe in on a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Exhale for a count of 4. Hold for a count of 4. Repeat the cycle at least 3 times. You can play with the count - perhaps increasing to 5 or 6 as is comfortable to you. Focus on the count. Feel the rise and fall of your belly - or where ever you feel movement in your body. This breathing technique can be done anywhere, in your car, at your desk, while washing dishes, walking the dog or as you sink into bed at night.
The simple act of focusing on your breath takes your focus off the thoughts that are bouncing around in your head. All you’re doing is focusing on the count. It calms your nervous system. Diverts your attention. Clears your mind.
For Power - Wim Hoff Breathing Method
Here is a link for an 11 minute guided Wim Hof breathing method. I came across this Super Human a while ago as I looked for ways to resource energy on a low energy day. I needed to to be ‘up’ for a training on a day when I didn’t feel so energetic. Wim Hof’s achievements are well documented and he’s happy to share his tools. Which include ice baths and this breathing method. I recommend doing this one laying down. If you feel any lightheadedness - stop. If you feel tingling in your fingers & toes - this is normal. The blood is flowing and increasing oxygen levels are making their way through your system. The 11 minute version includes 3 rounds: rapid breathing followed by holding of the breath.
I do not recommend this if you are prone to panic attacks or fainting.
For Energy - Breath of Fire
Breath of Fire a pranayama practice popular among yogis/yoga practioners. Pranayama refers to breathing exercises that connect you to your life force - your Prana. It comes out of Hindu Yoga Practices. Breath of Fire is a particular style characterized by it’s sharp inhales and exhales. Similair to The Wim Hof breathing method, it replicates a state of hyperventilation - getting you close but not going over into it. Here is great dive into the benefits of Breath of Fire and a tutorial on how to do it.
I find Breath of Fire effective when I need a dose of personal power. Doing even 3 minutes gets me in touch with the energy within, the focus needed to maintain the rhythm and intensity of the breath is incredibly centering and grounded. And filling my lungs and blood stream with fresh oxygen gets my brain cells moving.
There is an ever increasing amount of research and science around the benefits of mindful breathing. For reducing anxiety, for regulating the nervous system, quieting the mind, gathering inspiration, sourcing energy. The Intelligence of the human body and the many systems that operate it is fascinating. Learning what it takes for your particular system to function and function well is a lifelong journey.
As with anything, the more you do it, the more benefits you will receive. But even if you only use them when you need them, these techniques will serve you. Happy Breathing!