The Daring Act of Sharing
I recorded the audio below a few months ago as part of something I am thinking about maybe starting. And this is one of the pieces
I don’t want it to be another something I abandoned. For years I have created programs (like Lab 360, The Handshake Academy, Impov+ and Improv Leadership - not to mention the custom programs I’ve created for clients over the years.) And often I have executed those ideas. I ran Lab 360 for at least 4 years - which might as well be a lifetime. Improv+ never got off the ground - but what do you do when your co-facilitator and behind-the-scenes, tech-wiz abandons you for Google? You just never know which way life is going to go!
Improv Leadership has a good run - and it’s the first iteration of what is now the How Dare I cohort.
But I want also want an audio project (how dare I!). Because I have a lot of thoughts on a lot of things. Sometimes I get asked to share them - which I’m always delighted and ready to do! And I also need other channels. (continues below)
Curious about being Daring? Want to be a bit more daring in your day-to-day?
Seeking support while you carpe the diem?
Check out the How Dare I cohort! Starts Jan 13th, 2025!!
So I’m softly going into podcast territory. Not with a giant leap, but with small steps. Which I have learned is a better way to go about things, especially when you’re in for the long haul. Make sure the foundation is solid and proceed imperfectly at a unsexy, plodding pace.
This is a good beginning.
A few words about Sharing. I think I address it lightly in this audio.
I was introduced to a new way of sharing when I studied in Mask and Movement in Italy.
It is the act of the Share the connects us. Sharing a meal. Sharing a secret. Sharing a space. Sharing thoughts.
In mask, one shares all along the way. At the beginning of a moment, going through the middle, sharing the ridiculous and mundane. A quick turn of the actors head to the audience let’s the audience in on something. Invites the audience into the space. Makes us comrades, or allies. Or sometimes enemies. Maybe something in between.
This is me sharing. My particular was of looking at the world. Feeling the world. Making sense of the world - when that is possible and finding value, purpose and even delight. All in the sharing. Enjoy!